Monday, June 21, 2010

Big Question...

Hey all...

One burning question I have is in relation to the following photo. Can YouTube tech-heads really do anything with the message I received after the page failed to load?

That's just a little ridiculous.

If you can't open this screenshot, it says that a skilled team of monkeys is working on the problem, but you should probably give them the following text to help them out. The text that accompanies the message is just a quagmire of letters and symbols. Brutal stuff.

Does anyone really send that stuff in?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sportsplex Bike Racks, Barrington st bike parking, HCC Ads

This guy really restored my faith in family and old people. This guy was at Sportsplex picking up his grand-daughter from gymnastics and his wife... by bike! He had a child seat on his bike and his wife had her own, very cute little bike for herself. He was SOOOOOO happy and excited to go biking with them! It really brightened my weekend!

Onwards. I took these photos last week of bike parking along Barrington Street. In all I counted 23 bicycles parked on Barrington. To date, there are zero bike racks of any type along Barrington street between Spring Garden Road and Duke Street. This is very unfortunate for the businesses in the area as cyclists (and pedestrians) are noted as being more frequent patrons and better spenders than motorists. Better consumers are something that Barrington Street really needs, as big box industrial parks like Bayers Lake and Dartmouth Crossing have been sucking business out of the Downtown core.

Why do they call it a business park anyways? It's not someplace I'd want to take my kids to or hangout at...

I finally got a chance to see my handiwork on the side of a bus! Keep your eyes open, folks! You're bound to see more of these babies around before the month is over!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Open Street Party, Graduation, CRNE

So the Second Annual Open Street Party was thrown last Sunday! It was a great day of biking, roller bladding, skateboarding, jogging, face painting, food, races, capoeira, and just general fun! I wasn't able to make it to the OSP last year as I was in a duathlon, but this one was a blast to be a part of!

At the start of the OSP, there were a couple kids races. This was probably the coolest shot of the first race. Taken by yours truly! I was pretty stoked to see so many kids biking that I might have cried a little.

Graduation came the next day. Convocation didn't take long and in the end, I got a good $40,000 snippet of wallpaper. I'm really glad to be out of that school. The past 2 years there destroyed my confidence, and I've never been treated as poorly as I had by that group of people who call themselves "educators" in my life. Mind you, there are a batch of really great teachers there, but they are essentially eclipsed by the inbred idiots who have a surprising degree of power in that school.

Cool down big guy... it's over.

Wrote my National RN Exam the other day. Not feeling super confident... but I think there is a good chance I will pass. Will give a shout in three to four weeks to tell you how things went.