Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Work Schedule Waylay, Jersey Shore, Miscellaneous Photos

So my work has really cranked up my schedule over the next couple weeks. I'm essentially working 2.5 days on and 1 day off. I know that doesn't really add up, but they are all night shifts, which really blots out a great portion of your waking life. Oh well. Money in the bank, I suppose. On the bright side, I think I have the best commute to work ever! I go past the Commons, the Public Gardens, and just a whole bunch of great neighbourhood and greenspace!

Envy me!

Something in my life that is giving me a bit of a scare is I'm starting to watch little snippets of Jersey Shore on YouTube. I'm not exactly privy to why I'm doing this. One hypothesis is that the radiation emanating from the tans on these folks is somehow permeating through the TV and hypnotizing my brain. Also, I find the monicker Mike "the Situation" hilarious!

Went to the new market on Saturday. Although the space was being lauded as having a shit-load more room for vendors and patrons, this place was just as packed as the old market site. Just goes to show that if you build anything for the hipsters, they will bend-over backwards to fill it up with as many pasty-white, sweaty looking, Salvation Army thrift wearing bodies as humanly possible.

Holla at ya dawgs, everyone... holla at ya dawgs.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Place, New Job

There's been a lot going on with my life recently.

First of all, I was able to get a job exactly where I wanted. Pretty stoked about that. It's a GI floor, so I get to see a lot stomach and intestinal problems. Some are quick fixes. Others... not so much. I've just completed my final day in training and will be flying solo from here on out. I'm very excited and ready for the challenge. Also, I get paid soon! I think it'll be the largest pay-check I will have ever made in my life!

I just found an apartment too. Moved in earlier this week. The place seems like a hole, but I've been working on it for the past couple weeks now and it's starting to really shape up! I can't wait to get it all painted (see below).

Also, the major working months for my bike group are around the corner. Very stoked to dig my heels into this season of cycling again! I feel a little like a lame duck being away from planning things and having those sorts of deadlines around the corner all the time. It's gonna feel good to be back in the saddle!
