Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eco-Expo and useless car things

So car makers have again stunned me by this move here. My friends rented a car for the weekend and there was a button on the console that lets you change the colour of the lighting around the car. I have no idea what practical purpose this option gives drivers. It seriously seems as though the car makers have designers in their teens thinking up useless crap to load into cars. I just uploaded two colours here, but there were like seven or eight options to choose from.

Other than that, my bike group hosted a booth at the Eco-Expo. What a fun time! There were a surprisingly diverse group there. Bike stuff, NSP, the EAC, but also kid/nick-nack stores like Plovers and Carbonstock. Cool exhibits too like the sea-creatures one that I took photos of below. You can actually walk into and through the whale!

All in all a pretty cool event, and we picked up a batch of new members who aren't really part of the crowd we would typically reach at other events.

That, and we have a new sexy banner. It was a pretty good day!