Thursday, May 28, 2015

Dalhousie is a Go and Possible Three-Day Tour

So after the dust settled, and after a statement from Counc. Karsen along the lines that he supports cycling, yet doesn't support cycling, yet he has some Scandanavian blood within his family which justifies everything, the Dalhousie Bike Lane project is a go! Being at City Hall for the big vote was both exciting --mainly seeing the support for cycling in the room and being the first folks to know this project was approved-- and disappointing --hearing old arguments from business proponents and 'champions' of the disabled, plus the defeatism tagged to the whole project. It was also a relief to see David MacIsaac (TDM Staff) swoop into action when some of the more obscure planning/design questions flew out of left-field.

On the other side of the coin, Counc. McClusky was a giant pain, going as far as stating the oxygen requirements of a below-knee amputee is significantly higher than someone else with all their limbs and digits, therefore the entire bike lane should be scrapped. 

Side note: Physical activity is a major factor in preventing Type 2 Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease, both of which commonly lead to amputation. 

Setting that aside, being in the healthcare biz I can tell you McClusky's statement is entirely untrue and rediculous. The biggest issue I have with McClusky's assertion is this: differently abled people are not unable people! This was an issue that reared its ugly head during the Windsor/Agricola St bike lane plans as well, and it is sickening that we continue to subtly short-change the disabled community in this manner --guising it as a defence of their right to accessibility.

In any case, shortly after McClusky's moaning about the situation for the disabled and the fate of the Dawgfather (fun fact: nothing is going to happen to Dawgfather; he'll just have to park 10-20 feet farther down the street), there was a sudden lull in council chambers, and the vote happened quickly and without much fan-fare. A few sighs of relief for the four or so cyclists in the audience. Dawgfather left in disgust.

With the cycling season in full swing, I've been looking to test myself on a mini-tour to Chester, Windsor and back over three days. Totally doable for me, physically. On the mental end though, I find that as I get older, I'm becoming more and more of a cranky traveller. So if anything, this is designed to knock around the cobwebs and engage in some mid-distance, multi-day riding --mainly to get used to or get rid of being cranky about it. 

I'll be sure to post pictures in the future!

If you have any advice, or want to share what you love/hate about touring, leave it in the comments below!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Huge Changes to University Ave. and History Repeating

Well it's happening again: Another roundabout installation on the corners of North Park and Cogswell --and Trollope, and Ahern. Looking back on how much smoother the roundabout  at North Park and Agri has made to everyone's commutes, this change to the roads around the commons is exciting. It's also ending a two year long planning process on how to improve traffic flow in the North End at two of the most ridiculous intersections known in Atlantic Canada!

This makes me happy in a couple ways, one of which is that this city has performed a study of the area, came up with a solution --albeit a little controversial when first promoted-- and followed-through on their plans! All to often, I find myself gobsmacked at Council's preference to perform study after study without taking the strong leadership role that this city needs: making and following-through on a decision. Though it's been nearly a full election cycle since his departure, I think this lack of decision-making is something identifiable moreso with the Kelly-era --though I've been seeing council make more bold decisions as of late, be they for better or worse. 

Although there is speculation now that former mayor Peter Kelley is considering a return to the Mayors seat in the next election. **audible groan**

Speaking of following-through on reports and studies, Dalhousie is getting the Green-Light on installing protected bikeways down the length of University Ave! This little piece of planning is a story akin to the little engine that could. Not only did this project receive rebukes from the Rebecca Cohn crowd, but also the differently-abled crowd and even the Dawgfather himself! Despite taking the beating of a lifetime, it has made it's way to council for approval.

So mark it on your calendars, little ones! Bike Lane vote on Tuesday, May 12th starting sometime after 1:30pm! Head on over to Grand-Parade and sit in on what could be our first protected bike lane in Peninsular Halifax! 

Although this in itself is great news, it's slated as a two-year trial at the moment, which means we'll have to use it and promote the hell out of it in order to keep it. Also, with the next municipal election set for next year, I can see this being a small to medium impact election-issue for this district and the Mayoral run. HRM also reserves the right to terminate the trial at any time if it sees fit. 

There's a lot on the line, folks! Write in to your Councillor, and/or the Mayor, and/or the Province (they're the ones footing the bulk of the bill along with Dalhousie) when the lines are painted and the bollards are planted, letting them know how much you love this bike-lane and how much you love biking in HRM!