Thursday, December 16, 2010

Long time, no write

So I must admit, while breaking my back at work and with my bike group, I've definietly forgotten about this whole blogging thing. Instead of tossing in the towel, I will try to bust out a couple of these posts a month to keep things manageable.

UNFORTUNATELY, since my last update back in September, very little has been going on. Working full time as a nurse has a way of devouring your free time as a human. It's hard to even carve jogging/biking time out!
Went to my work's Christmas Party (x2) last week. Loads of fun were had by all! I was really happy that I didn't get sloppy/inappropriate drunk for the whole night. Instead I was a cool, calm and collected "business drunk" for about 4-5 hours overnight. At the end of the festivities, hopped a ride back home with Jenna. Which reminds me... I have to pay her like $15 for that cab... BLIMEY!

The Chronical Herald managed to squeeze out yet another superficial cycling story this week. This time, they centred it on probably one of the poorest examples of a behaved bike rider Halifax has to offer: The Bicycle Messenger! Cue the angry, sometimes life-threatening comments by online idiots. Don't get me wrong, I know a little bit about these guys in Halifax. Some of them have families, or are trying to support themselves, and I understand that they have to do what they have to do to take care of business. I'm just unsure why Chronicle Herald has to use these guys as the "prototypical Halifax biker" when around 90% of cyclists actually follow the rules while they are out there!

Lastly, I got some Monkeylectric wheel lights from my Girlfriend this year for the holidays. I think it's turning some heads! I wish I could see what the patterns look like.

Adios for now!

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