Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rock Climbing and Gay Pride

It's been a pretty slow week. Aside from the obligate work hours, I've been too exhausted to do too much during my days off. I'm hoping it's just the heat and that this is a passing trend.

On one of the days that I have been able to get out with friends, I took the chance to visit Ground Zero, Halifax's (I think) only indoor rock gym. If you haven't went and you enjoy using your body, I would totally recommend it. Especially those of you who are big yoga enthusiasts! It's definitely one of the only things that the flexibility of yoga is well suited for --second only to what I assume is pretty limber sex. Namaste.

Also, with all the chalk, it leaves you with a feeling that you've done a full day of manual labor.

This guy is definitely a hard worker.

In addition to that, I was able to check out the Gay Pride Parade this year. It's my first time to actually see a GPP as I often work during the weekends. Oddly enough, I consistently work on the date of the World Naked Bike Ride. You'd think I'd be all down for that, eh? In any case, the Parade was a lot of fun. I thought it would be a little over the top --think ass-less chaps, speedos or even those new European lop-sided guy speedos-- but 99% of it was totally plain granola. 

I was particularly stoked to see a Storm Trooper and a rather flamboyant Vader in the parade. Quick side note: proper Star Wars fans will get the pun in that last sentence.

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