Saturday, August 2, 2014

Bearly's and a little bit about dog sitting

For the past month I've been babysitting this little munchkin

Not being a particularly intense dog person myself (yes, I'm a cat guy), I was interested in what the big hubbub around dogs was about. As such I've noted the following five items as a temporary dog owner:

1) It's not particularly more difficult to take care of a dog. It's mainly a lot of extra work. Going somewhere outdoors and fun? The dog is pretty much coming. Do you walk around a couple times a day? Let's make that five times a day --and you're bringing the dog. Visiting your friends and/or parents? Guess who you're bringing. It's the dog. 

2) Although dogs enjoy fetching, the conceptual deficits they have surrounding bringing back the ball/frisbee/toy can be infuriating. It's something I don't quite understand. I actually do enjoy playing fetch with the munchkin, even wrestling the frisbee out of that clap-trap of hers. The times that she gets the frisbee and just stays away tho... It's just frustrating. Perhaps the frustration comes from the fact that I'm trying to understand and justify the thought processes of an animal.

3) Dogs make good company. I wasn't sure if I'd really come around to this way of thinking. I thought I'd get the same sort of company as a cat, but dogs seem to actually hang out with you, no matter what you're doing. I've also found that I talk to the dog (thus myself) more often now. This may be less of a company thing and more of a sign of insanity. 

4) Dogs are pretty complex creatures. I really thought cats were more complex leading up to this doggy-sitting adventure. Cats definitely have unusual behaviour that isn't readily explainable. By most accounts they aren't really trainable. As satisfied as cats are to be indoor-cats, they will totally bolt out of your apartment door if you're not careful, but will be scared-stiff when they actually get to the front doors. Dogs are a little more difficult than cats in that you're replacing the blazĂ©, pretentiousness of a cat with the more emotive, dependancy of the dog. Whether this is good or bad, you have to admit that either choice is better than a goldfish --those incredulous bastards. 

5) Lastly, random people that you pass on the street smile at you significantly more often when you are walking your dog. More over, they are way more likely to take things a step further and talk to you about your dog and, from there, start a full-blown conversation! I can see how dog-people get more dates than us regular, non-dog folks. Sadly, even with the odds so in my favour this month, I'm no further ahead in the dating portion of my life. 

On a completely different note, I was at Bearly's the other night. I feel like what I'm about to say might not sit well with a lot of people: while I understand and agree with the concept of Bearly's, I find real-life Bearly's to be an aweful venue for anything. 

Blues is a great musical genre. There aren't many blues acts in town, so Bearly's has opened their Wednesday slots to quasi-armature comedians. Whicked, right? Well think again! The acoustics of the room, though it might work for blues, is wretched for actual speaking events. It's virtually impossible to make out a word of what those funny-folks were saying! Brutal... Just brutal.

But don't take it from me. Head down to Bearly's on Wednesday and check it out for yourself! Starts at 8PM. Great burgers via Ace Burger Co.

Ta-Ta for now!

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