Tuesday, August 12, 2014

BeerFest and my unit is too hot over the summer

Well it's been three days since I went to BeerFest, and I've just sufficiently shaken off my hangover enough to start writing on this again.

It was really a great time! Good lot of beers there. Although I did make a list of beers that I was interested to try, a lot of them were either out of stock, or the crowds around the brewing booths were just too ungodly dense to wait it out. 

It didn't help that I left my super-organized list at home by accident and had to rely on a crappy bit of scrap paper with some beer names haphazardly scrawled thereon before rushing to the Fest after work. 

Some beers that I found pretty notable --for better or worse-- were: 
- Pretty much every stout for their thick, easy drinking quality; 
- A new type of beer called a "Sour Beer" which tastes exactly how you'd think it would;
- "Princess Wears Girl Pants" at first for the funny name, but it ended up tasting swell;
- Pump House Blueberry ale was great! Last year I found the blueberry taste was way to sharp, but this year it was balanced out quite a bit better.

Fast-forward to Monday: I drug myself out of bed after a particularly slow night shift and powered out a good 7k run from the North End to the Rotary and back. It was delightful. 

Speaking of work, I might not have put much thought into my schedule for the next six weeks as I'm doing a bunch of on-off-on-on-off-off patterns repeatedly--other nurses will likely get that. It might burn me out a little bit, but the timing couldn't be better as our summer slowdown is still in effect (we close a pretty high proportion of our beds because the heat in the summer coupled with the lack of air-con on our unit makes recovery as a patient pretty miserable, and working there becomes a physical strain --literally). Nevertheless, this schedule pattern might actually allow me to squeeze in bit more cycling over the next couple weeks. So we'll see how things go. 

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